To make happiness a “Mirai real”
with the power of technology
We envision a future reality that is essential for business and people’s lives that we will achieve by creating unprecedented value.
Through co-creation based on our ideas, skills, and technology, we can ensure that our clients and employees have a happier and brighter future.
We strive to continuously deliver this new value to the world to completely change the future for everyone.
VALUE バリュー
そして、社内に愛着とともに定着している「BE SUPER」という言葉の答えにもなっています。
Since our establishment in 2014, we have had many new members with exceptional talent join our team as we successfully develop our business. However, now that we are a group of over 500 employees, its time reunite the feelings of all employees in order to develop our business into one that truly represents Japan.
As we are plan to launch forward on our new journey, we decided to express our new mission with the phrase “to make happiness a mirai real with the power of technology”. However, we were unsure if sharing this phrase would actually unite the feelings of all members which lead us to reconsider our company name Supership.
The origin of Super means exceed/move forward. Ship originally meant form/condition but this was changed slightly to mean of way/attitude/spirit. By combing these two meanings, we created “to go beyond the limits of today and find a new way for the future”. In order to include this meaning into our new mission as well, we decided to create the following 4 values to describe the kind of behaviour and spirit that is required by all employees.
To simply put it, this is a code of conduct for all employees that expresses the essence of Supership.

Super 未来志向
Super Future-Orientation
Imagine an exciting future
Your future business or lifestyle shouldn’t be something that you try to think up rationally. Just start by trying to imagine the kind of future that makes you excited. When you have thought of something, make it your goal to create this product or service and then implement it into your life and the world.

Super Challenge
Super Challenge
If there are risks, it’s worth the challenge
If there aren’t any risks then there won’t be any chances for new possibilities or value in perusing the endeavor. If you encounter risks on the job, be sure to properly identify them and proceed with care. If you do this, just believe in the possibility and boldly take on the challenge.

Super ジブンゴト化
Super Personalizatiom
Fulfill your professional responsibility of freedom, autonomy, and ingenuity
A professional’s responsibility is to remain free regardless of common practices or past events, to think and act without waiting for instruction, and to create big value through the accumulation of persistent daily efforts. This professionalism and work environment are the reasons why our jobs must be performed by other dedicated, like-minded professionals.

Super Honesty
Super Honesty
Connect with others to discover new possibilities
Although we cannot perform our jobs alone, it doesn’t mean forming teams with employees who have similar skillsets. We should meet with people who have different talents and make a genuine effort while working together to mix things up by challenging each other. By connecting with others, we will create more chances to find new possibilities and strengthen co-creation.
Culture Book
それらをもとにしたDos / Dont’s (すべきこと / すべきでないこと)を記しています。
Management commitment
- 1.従業員の幸せの追求
- 私たちは、従業員こそが最大の財産であると考えています。そのため、従業員の幸せを追求していきます。従業員が公私ともに幸せを感じることで、お客様に対して、パートナーに対して、株主に対して、そして社会に対して持続的に価値を創出できると考えます。
- 1.The Pursuit of Employee Happiness
- We believe that the people who work for us are our greatest assets, and as such we shall pursue happiness for our employees. We believe employees are able to create sustainable value for customers, partners, shareholders, and society if they feel happy both at work and in their private life.
- 2.売上は価値の総和、利益は工夫の総和
- 私たちは、「売上は価値の総和、利益は工夫の総和」であると考えます。お客様、また社会に対して価値をしっかりと提供し、その対価をお客様から「ありがとう」と言ってもらって受け取る。そのため、私たちは、「ありがとう」の総和が売上になると考えます。そして、頂いた対価を自らの創意工夫によって無駄を省き、利益をあげていきます。
- 2.Revenue is the Sum of Value and Profit is the Sum of Ingenuity
- We believe that revenue is the sum of value, and profit is the sum of ingenuity. We provide value to customers and society, and are rewarded when our customers say “thank you”. For this reason, we believe that our revenue is the sum of the gratitude that we receive. We shall take this reward, and using our own creativity ensure there is no wastage to deliver profit.
- 3.正しいことを正しくやる
- 私たちは、法令、社会的な規範やルールを遵守し、倫理観を強く持ってコンプライアンスを徹底します。それだけではなく、正々堂々とした姿勢でビジネスを行い、社会に対して価値を創出していきます。
- 3.Do the Right Thing in the Right Way
- We shall obey the law, follow social norms and rules, and ensure that we have a strong sense of ethics in our thorough approach to compliance. In addition, we shall take a clean and fair approach to our business as we create value for society.
- 4.新たな市場を創る
- 私たちは、既存市場における価値提供に加え、これまでにない市場を創ります。そして、新たな価値を創出し、より良い社会の発展に貢献していきます。
- 4.Creation of New Markets
- In addition to providing value in existing markets, we will also create new markets and new value that will contribute to the development of an even better society.