




お客さまのプライバシーに配慮した 次世代型のデジタル広告配信プラットフォームを提供開始~Cookieレスで、お客さまのライフスタイルに適した広告配信を実現~

KDDIとSupershipホールディングスおよびSupershipは、お客さまのライフスタイルに関連性の高い広告をプライバシーに配慮して配信できる次世代型のデジタル広告配信プラットフォーム(以下 本プラットフォーム)を共同で開発し、2022年1月(予定)から提供開始します。

本プラットフォームでは、Novatiq Limited(本社:英国 ウェールズ、CEO:Jonathan Hulford-Funnell、以下 Novatiq)の特許技術を活用することで、お客さまが同意されたデータのみを利用し、お客さまに関連性の高い広告を配信することが可能になります。今後3社は、本プラットフォームとSupershipの広告配信プラットフォームを組み合わせ、広告主に向けて最適なデジタルマーケティングを提案していきます。


従来のデジタルマーケティングでは、広告配信事業者などが収集した3rd Party Data(注1)を利用することで、お客さまの興味関心やニーズに関連する広告をWebサイトやアプリを横断して配信することが主流でした。しかし、プライバシー保護の観点から、第三者がCookieや広告IDを利用してお客さまの事前同意なく行動を追跡する3rd Party Dataの利用が問題視される動きが世界的に広まっており、新しいマーケティング手法の開発が求められています。

本プラットフォームは、Webサイトやアプリの利用ごとに一時的に発行する広告配信用識別子(以下 広告配信用ID)(注2)と、お客さまの同意に基づきKDDIグループがお預かりしている性別や年代などの属性情報を組み合わせます。これにより、お客さまが同意された属性情報のみを活用し、お客さまに関連性の高い広告をプライバシーに配慮しつつ配信でき、広告主の効果的なマーケティング活動をサポートします。


・本プラットフォームでは、KDDIグループがお客さまの同意に基づきお預かりしている1st Party Data(注3)のうち、性別や年代などの属性情報を、IPアドレスをキーに広告配信用IDと紐づけて、配信する広告を決定します。
・Novatiqの特許技術をベースに開発された本プラットフォームはSupershipのDSP「ScaleOut」およびSSP「Ad Generation」を通じて提供されます。
・SSP「Ad Generation」は、アプリを中心とした豊富な在庫量と多彩なフォーマットで、良質なメディアを通じたお客さまへの広告配信が可能です。
メールアドレス so-sales@supership.jp
ウェブサイトからのお問い合わせ https://supership.jp/business/cookieless-ads
Novatiqは、プライバシーを優先しながら1st Party Dataを安全に利用できる環境のもと、適切かつ確実に、お客さまに関連性の高い情報を届けることを可能にするソリューションを展開しています。
デジタルマーケティングにおける唯一の技術で特許を取得しているプラットフォームは、プライバシーに配慮した独自の広告配信用IDを生成し、1st Party Dataを基にパーソナライズされたコミュニケーションを実現します。このIDを通じた新しいアプローチにより、広告主、プラットフォーマー、パブリッシャーのUXやマーケティングキャンペーンの効果向上に貢献します。
Novatiq  https://novatiq.com/

(注4)2021年6月1日 Supershipホールディングス ニュースリリース

KDDI CORPORATION (Headquarters: Chiyoda, Tokyo, President: Makoto Takahashi; referred to as “KDDI” below) ,Supership Holdings Inc.(Headquarters: Toranomon, Tokyo, President: Shingo Inaba; referred to as “Supership Holdings” below)and Supership Inc. (Headquarters: Toranomon, Tokyo, President: Takeshi Ohasa; referred to as “Supership” below) are jointly developing a next-generation digital advertising platform (referred to as “the platform” below) scheduled to launch in January 2022. The platform will prioritize data privacy while serving highly relevant advertising based on customer lifestyles.
At the core, the patented technology provided by Novatiq Ltd. (Headquarters: Wales, UK, CEO: Jonathan Hulford-Funnell; referred to as “Novatiq” below) enables advertisers to activate audiences using only permission-based data.
KDDI ,Supership Holdings and Supership Holdings will integrate the platform with Supership’s advertising platform to provide optimized digital marketing for advertisers.


To date, using 3rd party data (1) to reach audiences based on customer interests and needs across websites and apps has been a mainstream practice in digital marketing. However, from a data privacy protection viewpoint, this is globally becoming more problematic, as much of this 3rd party data originates from tracking customer behavior with Cookies or advertising IDs (referred to as “ADID” below) without consent. This situation demands new marketing methods that don’t rely on the utilization of such 3rd party data.
The platform protects the customer’s data privacy by generating a transient one-time token (referred to as “ad delivery ID” below) (2)for each website or mobile app interaction combined with KDDI’s permission-based attribution (e.g. gender, age group, etc.). It enables advertisers to serve highly relevant ads using only permission-based data, ensures that customer privacy is protected, and supports effective marketing.
KDDI ,Supership Holdings and Supership will utilize this new technology in their aim to spread the use of digital ad delivery that prioritizes privacy.

■About the Platform
(1)Privacy-First Platform:
・The platform serves highly effective digital advertising through the utilization of original ad delivery IDs that aren’t dependent on Cookies or ADIDs.
・Ad delivery IDs are randomly generated when websites and apps are accessed to ensure ad delivery IDs aren’t saved on customer devices such as smartphones and computers. In addition, customer action histories aren’t tracked or collected across websites and apps.
(2)Realization of digital ad delivery relevant to customer’s lifestyle:
・The platform connects permission-based 1st party data (3) from the KDDI Group to the ad delivery ID using IP addresses in an intermediate step. This cohort information (gender, age group, etc.) is used to determine which ad is delivered.
・While taking data privacy into consideration, advertisers can reach audiences with highly relevant digital advertisements based on customer lifestyle.
(3)Service provided via Supership’s ad platform which sees 35bn monthly impressions:
・The platform built on Novatiq’s patented technology will be provided via Supership’s DSP (ScaleOut) and SSP (Ad Generation).
・SSP (Ad Generation) is a multifaceted platform centering around mobile apps, it boasts a wealth of inventory, and delivers ads to customers through premium media.
・Supership Holdings entered into a capital and business alliance (4) with Novatiq in June 2021. This agreement gives Supership Group the exclusive rights to use Novatiq’s patented technology in Asia.
※Only permission-based data is utilized. Data handling complies with all relevant laws and regulations to ensure appropriate information security. In addition, any personally identifiable data such as the names of individuals, addresses including street numbers, telephone numbers, and email addresses are not utilized.
For details regarding data usage or ad delivery system, please refer to the privacy portal

2.Launch Date:
January 2022
For inquiries regarding fees, please contact Supership Inc.
4.Contact Information:
Supership Inc.
Email: so-sales@supership.jp
Web Inquires https://supership.jp/business/cookieless-ads_en
■ About Novatiq
Novatiq is a leading identity and audience activation platform empowering publishers, brands and telcos to reach their audiences at scale and provide better customer experiences – all while prioritizing privacy.
Using patented, privacy-first technology, Novatiq enables the creation of IDs based on pseudonymised first-party data, including fully consented customer intelligence from telco operators. This new approach to consented IDs puts privacy first, improves user-experience, drives better campaign performance, and enables a new generation of personalised digital services. The company has multiple patents, is ISO 27001 certified and rigorously compliant with global privacy standards.
Novatiq  https://novatiq.com/

(1) Data provided by third parties that don’t have a direct relationship with the customer.
(2) Ad delivery identifiers are randomly generated when ad spots with modules are displayed on the platform. The module generates or transmits ad identifiers by utilizing a program equipped with part of an ad spot provided by Supership. Apps and web services other than those provided by KDDI are also embedded.
(3) Data businesses collect/store after receiving customer permission.
(4) Supership Holdings New Release (June 1st, 2021)
Supership Group and Novatiq Ltd. form Capital and Business Alliance to Develop Next Generation Digital Advertising Platform for Cookie-less World